Friday, September 9, 2011


Here are three works in progress for a class called the BFA Seminar. I am making a cohesive gallery of work to install in the spring. I've decided to focus on portraits of people associated with Brooklyn College, be they faculty, staff, students or alumni. Let me know if you are and would like a free portrait. I'll be posting updates on this project often. This should get interesting.

1 comment:

  1. I think youre right about taking many photos you do eventually capture the persons true essence and nature...its like that Picasso painting where the woman was holding in her stomach as he painted her and after a while she relaxed it and the painting was more real.... that certainly is adam and im guessing the others in progress are john and your self and society professor...keep up the painting a large summation will prove rewarding in time...I guarentee you will be famous and books will be published about you.
